Component Map

The complete API consists of 2 annotations.


The @ComponentMapKey annotation defines the method that returns the keys of the map. The annotated method return type is the type of the map's key.

enum class CalculatorOperationType {

internal interface CalculatorOperation {
    val operationType: CalculatorOperationType

    fun calculate(a: Int, b: Int): Int

Lets implement few operations:

internal class AddOperation : CalculatorOperation {
    override val type: CalculatorOperationType = CalculatorOperationType.ADD

    override fun calculate(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
        return a + b

internal class MultiplyOperation : CalculatorOperation {
    override val type: CalculatorOperationType = CalculatorOperationType.MULTIPLY

    override fun calculate(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
        return a * b

No annotations or any library specific code is required in the implementations.


Add the @ComponentMap annotation to map to inject.

class CalculatorServiceImpl : CalculatorService {
    private lateinit var operations: Map<CalculatorOperationType, CalculatorOperation>

    override fun calculate(type: CalculatorOperationType, a: Int, b: Int): Number {
        val operationHandler = operations[type] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operation type: $type")
        return operationHandler.calculate(a, b)

The @ComponentMap annotation can also inject list of beans to the map value:

private lateinit var operations: Map<CalculatorOperationType, List<CalculatorOperation>>

By defining the value of the map as List of beans the library will add all the beans of each key to their relevant list.

For example if you have multiple AnnouncementSubscriber for each AnnouncementType just change the type of the map value to List<AnnouncementSubscriber> and for each AnnouncementType the list will contain multiple subscribers.

    private lateinit var subscribers: Map<AnnouncementType, List<AnnouncementSubscriber>>

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